Source code for hbp_validation_framework

A Python package for working with the Human Brain Project Model Validation Framework.

Andrew Davison and Shailesh Appukuttan, CNRS, 2017

License: BSD 3-clause, see LICENSE.txt


import os
from importlib import import_module
import platform
try:  # Python 3
    from urllib.request import urlopen
    from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlencode, parse_qs
    from urllib.error import URLError
except ImportError:  # Python 2
    from urllib2 import urlopen, URLError
    from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
    from urllib import urlencode
except NameError:
    raw_input = input
import socket
import json
import ast
import getpass
import requests
from requests.auth import AuthBase
from .datastores import URI_SCHEME_MAP

    from pathlib import Path
except ImportError:
    from pathlib2 import Path  # Python 2 backport

    from jupyter_collab_storage import oauth_token_handler
    have_collab_token_handler = True
except ImportError:
    have_collab_token_handler = False

TOKENFILE = os.path.expanduser("~/.hbptoken")

class HBPAuth(AuthBase):
    """Attaches OIDC Bearer Authentication to the given Request object."""

    def __init__(self, token):
        # setup any auth-related data here
        self.token = token

    def __call__(self, r):
        # modify and return the request
        r.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + self.token
        return r

class BaseClient(object):
    Base class that handles HBP authentication
    # Note: Could possibly simplify the code later

    def __init__(self, username=None,
        self.username = username
        self.verify = True
        self.environment = environment
        if environment == "production":
            self.url = ""
            self.client_id = "3ae21f28-0302-4d28-8581-15853ad6107d" # Prod ID
        elif environment == "integration":
            self.url = ""
            self.client_id = "8a6b7458-1044-4ebd-9b7e-f8fd3469069c"
        elif environment == "dev":
            self.url = ""
            self.client_id = "90c719e0-29ce-43a2-9c53-15cb314c2d0b" # Dev ID
            if os.path.isfile('config.json') and os.access('config.json', os.R_OK):
                with open('config.json') as config_file:
                    config = json.load(config_file)
                    if environment in config:
                        if "url" in config[environment] and "client_id" in config[environment]:
                            self.url = config[environment]["url"]
                            self.client_id = config[environment]["client_id"]
                            self.verify = config[environment].get("verify_ssl", True)
                            raise KeyError("Cannot load environment info: config.json does not contain sufficient info for environment = {}".format(environment))
                        raise KeyError("Cannot load environment info: config.json does not contain environment = {}".format(environment))
                raise IOError("Cannot load environment info: config.json not found in the current directory.")
        if password is None:
            self.token = None
            if have_collab_token_handler:
                    # if are we running in a Jupyter notebook within the Collaboratory
                    # the token is already available
                    self.token = oauth_token_handler.get_token()
            elif os.path.exists(TOKENFILE):
                # check for a stored token
                with open(TOKENFILE) as fp:
                    # self.token = json.load(fp).get(username, None)["access_token"]
                    data = json.load(fp).get(username, None)
                    if data and "access_token" in data:
                        self.token = data["access_token"]
                        if not self._check_token_valid():
                            print("HBP authentication token is invalid or has expired. Will need to re-authenticate.")
                            self.token = None
                        print("HBP authentication token file not having required JSON data.")
                print("HBP authentication token file not found locally.")

            if self.token is None:
                if not username:
                    print("Please enter your HBP username.")
                    username = raw_input('HBP Username: ')

                password = os.environ.get('HBP_PASS')
                if password is not None:
                        self._hbp_auth(username, password)
                    except Exception:
                        print("Authentication Failure. Possibly incorrect HBP password saved in environment variable 'HBP_PASS'.")
                if not hasattr(self, 'config'):
                        # prompt for password
                        print("Please enter your HBP password: ")
                        password = getpass.getpass()
                        self._hbp_auth(username, password)
                    except Exception:
                        print("Authentication Failure! Password entered is possibly incorrect.")
                with open(TOKENFILE, "w") as fp:
                    json.dump({username: self.config["auth"]["token"]}, fp)
                os.chmod(TOKENFILE, 0o600)
                self._hbp_auth(username, password)
            except Exception:
                print("Authentication Failure! Password entered is possibly incorrect.")
            with open(TOKENFILE, "w") as fp:
                json.dump({username: self.config["auth"]["token"]}, fp)
            os.chmod(TOKENFILE, 0o600)
        self.auth = HBPAuth(self.token)

    def _check_token_valid(self):
        Checks with the hbp-collab-service if the locally saved HBP token is valid.
        See if this can be tweaked to improve performance.
        url = ""
        data = requests.get(url, auth=HBPAuth(self.token), verify=self.verify)
        if data.status_code == 200:
            return True
            return False

    def exists_in_collab_else_create(self, collab_id):
        Checks with the hbp-collab-service if the Model Catalog / Validation Framework app
        exists inside the current collab (if run inside the Collaboratory), or Collab ID
        specified by the user (when run externally).
            url = ""+str(collab_id)+"/nav/all/"
            response = requests.get(url, auth=HBPAuth(self.token), verify=self.verify)
        except ValueError:
            print("Error contacting hbp-collab-service for Collab info. Possibly invalid Collab ID: {}".format(collab_id))

        for app_item in response.json():
            if app_item["app_id"] == str(self.app_id):
                app_nav_id = app_item["id"]
                print ("Using existing {} app in this Collab. App nav ID: {}".format(self.app_name,app_nav_id))
            url = ""+str(collab_id)+"/nav/root/"
            collab_root = requests.get(url, auth=HBPAuth(self.token), verify=self.verify).json()["id"]
            import uuid
            app_info = {"app_id": self.app_id,
                        "context": str(uuid.uuid4()),
                        "name": self.app_name,
                        "order_index": "-1",
                        "parent": collab_root,
                        "type": "IT"}
            url = ""+str(collab_id)+"/nav/"
            headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
            response =, data=json.dumps(app_info),
                                     auth=HBPAuth(self.token), headers=headers,
            app_nav_id = response.json()["id"]
            print ("New {} app created in this Collab. App nav ID: {}".format(self.app_name,app_nav_id))
        return app_nav_id

    def _configure_app_collab(self, config_data):
        Used to configure the apps inside a Collab. Example `config_data`:
        if not config_data["config"]["collab_id"]:
            raise ValueError("`collab_id` cannot be empty!")
        if not config_data["config"]["app_id"]:
            raise ValueError("`app_id` cannot be empty!")
        # check if the app has previously been configured: decide POST or PUT
        response = requests.get(config_data["url"]+"?app_id="+str(config_data["config"]["app_id"]), auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify)
        headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
        config_data["config"]["id"] = config_data["config"]["app_id"]
        app_id = config_data["config"].pop("app_id")
        if not response.json()["param"]:
            response =["url"], data=json.dumps(config_data["config"]),
                                     auth=self.auth, headers=headers,
            if response.status_code == 201:
                print("New app has beeen created and sucessfully configured!")
                print("Error! App could not be configured. Response = " + str(response.content))
            if not config_data["only_if_new"]:
                response = requests.put(config_data["url"], data=json.dumps(config_data["config"]),
                                        auth=self.auth, headers=headers,
                if response.status_code == 202:
                    print("Existing app has beeen sucessfully reconfigured!")
                    print("Error! App could not be reconfigured. Response = " + str(response.content))

    def _hbp_auth(self, username, password):
        HBP authentication
        redirect_uri = self.url + '/complete/hbp/'

        self.session = requests.Session()
        # 1. login button on NMPI
        rNMPI1 = self.session.get(self.url + "/login/hbp/?next=/config.json",
                                  allow_redirects=False, verify=self.verify)
        # 2. receives a redirect or some Javascript for doing an XMLHttpRequest
        if rNMPI1.status_code in (302, 200):
            # Get its new destination (location)
            if rNMPI1.status_code == 302:
                url = rNMPI1.headers.get('location')
                res = rNMPI1.content
                if not isinstance(res, str):
                    res = res.decode("ascii")
                start = res.find("")
                url = res[start:res.find("}", start)]
                query = parse_qs(urlparse(url).query)
                state = query["state"][0]
                if not state:
                    raise Exception("Could not obtain state. Response was '{}'".format(res))
                url = "{}&redirect_uri={}/complete/hbp/&response_type=code&client_id={}".format(state, self.url, self.client_id)
            # get the exchange cookie
            cookie = rNMPI1.headers.get('set-cookie').split(";")[0]
            self.session.headers.update({'cookie': cookie})
            # 3. request to the provided url at HBP
            rHBP1 = self.session.get(url, allow_redirects=False, verify=self.verify)
            # 4. receives a redirect to HBP login page
            if rHBP1.status_code == 302:
                # Get its new destination (location)
                url = rHBP1.headers.get('location')
                cookie = rHBP1.headers.get('set-cookie').split(";")[0]
                self.session.headers.update({'cookie': cookie})
                # 5. request to the provided url at HBP
                rHBP2 = self.session.get(url, allow_redirects=False, verify=self.verify)
                # 6. HBP responds with the auth form
                if rHBP2.text:
                    # 7. Request to the auth service url
                    formdata = {
                        'j_username': username,
                        'j_password': password,
                        'submit': 'Login',
                        'redirect_uri': redirect_uri + '&response_type=code&client_id=nmpi'
                    headers = {'accept': 'application/json'}
                    rNMPI2 ="",
                    # check good communication
                    if rNMPI2.status_code ==
                        # check success address
                        if rNMPI2.url == self.url + '/config.json':
                            res = rNMPI2.json()
                            self.token = res['auth']['token']['access_token']
                            self.config = res
                        # unauthorized
                            if 'error' in rNMPI2.url:
                                raise Exception("Authentication Failure: No token retrieved." + rNMPI2.url)
                                raise Exception("Unhandled error in Authentication." + rNMPI2.url)
                        raise Exception("Communication error")
                    raise Exception("Something went wrong. No text.")
                raise Exception("Something went wrong. Status code {} from HBP, expected 302".format(rHBP1.status_code))
            raise Exception("Something went wrong. Status code {} from NMPI, expected 302".format(rNMPI1.status_code))

    def from_existing(cls, client):
        """Used to easily create a TestLibrary if you already have a ModelCatalog, or vice versa"""
        obj = cls.__new__(cls)
        for attrname in ("username", "url", "client_id", "token", "verify", "auth", "environment"):
            setattr(obj, attrname, getattr(client, attrname))
        return obj

[docs]class TestLibrary(BaseClient): """Client for the HBP Validation Test library. The TestLibrary client manages all actions pertaining to tests and results. The following actions can be performed: ==================================== ==================================== Action Method ==================================== ==================================== Get test definition :meth:`get_test_definition` Get test as Python (sciunit) class :meth:`get_validation_test` List test definitions :meth:`list_tests` Add new test definition :meth:`add_test` Edit test definition :meth:`edit_test` Get test instances :meth:`get_test_instance` List test instances :meth:`list_test_instances` Add new test instance :meth:`add_test_instance` Edit test instance :meth:`edit_test_instance` Get valid attribute values :meth:`get_attribute_options` Get test result :meth:`get_result` List test results :meth:`list_results` Register test result :meth:`register_result` ==================================== ==================================== Parameters ---------- username : string Your HBP Collaboratory username. Not needed in Jupyter notebooks within the HBP Collaboratory. password : string, optional Your HBP Collaboratory password; advisable to not enter as plaintext. If left empty, you would be prompted for password at run time (safer). Not needed in Jupyter notebooks within the HBP Collaboratory. environment : string, optional Used to indicate whether being used for development/testing purposes. Set as `production` as default for using the production system, which is appropriate for most users. When set to `dev`, it uses the `development` system. Other environments, if required, should be defined inside a json file named `config.json` in the working directory. Example: .. code-block:: JSON { "prod": { "url": "", "client_id": "3ae21f28-0302-4d28-8581-15853ad6107d" }, "dev_test": { "url": "https://localhost:8000", "client_id": "90c719e0-29ce-43a2-9c53-15cb314c2d0b", "verify_ssl": false } } Examples -------- Instantiate an instance of the TestLibrary class >>> test_library = TestLibrary(hbp_username) """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, environment="production"): super(TestLibrary, self).__init__(username, password, environment) self._set_app_info() def _set_app_info(self): if self.environment == "production": self.app_id = 360 self.app_name = "Validation Framework" elif self.environment == "dev": self.app_id = 349 self.app_name = "Validation Framework (dev)" elif self.environment == "integration": self.app_id = 432 self.app_name = "Model Validation app (staging)" def set_app_config(self, collab_id="", app_id="", only_if_new=False, data_modalities="", test_type="", species="", brain_region="", cell_type="", model_scope="", abstraction_level="", organization=""): inputArgs = locals() params = {} params["url"] = self.url + "/parametersconfiguration-validation-app/parametersconfigurationrest/" params["only_if_new"] = only_if_new params["config"] = inputArgs params["config"].pop("self") params["config"].pop("only_if_new") params["config"]["app_type"] = "validation_app" self._configure_app_collab(params)
[docs] def get_test_definition(self, test_path="", test_id = "", alias=""): """Retrieve a specific test definition. A specific test definition can be retrieved from the test library in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. load from a local JSON file specified via `test_path` 2. specify the `test_id` 3. specify the `alias` (of the test) Parameters ---------- test_path : string Location of local JSON file with test definition. test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. Note ---- Also see: :meth:`get_validation_test` Returns ------- dict Information about the test. Examples -------- >>> test = test_library.get_test_definition("/home/shailesh/Work/dummy_test.json") >>> test = test_library.get_test_definition(test_id="7b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec") >>> test = test_library.get_test_definition(alias="CDT-6") """ if test_path == "" and test_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("test_path or test_id or alias needs to be provided for finding a test.") if test_path: if os.path.isfile(test_path): # test_path is a local path with open(test_path) as fp: test_json = json.load(fp) else: raise Exception("Error in local file path specified by test_path.") else: if test_id: url = self.url + "/tests/?id=" + test_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/tests/?alias=" + alias + "&format=json" test_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if test_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test. Response = " + str(test_json)) test_json = test_json.json() if len(test_json["tests"]) == 1: return test_json["tests"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test definition. Possibly invalid input data.")
[docs] def get_validation_test(self, test_path="", instance_path="", instance_id ="", test_id = "", alias="", version="", **params): """Retrieve a specific test instance as a Python class (sciunit.Test instance). A specific test definition can be specified in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. load from a local JSON file specified via `test_path` and `instance_path` 2. specify `instance_id` corresponding to test instance in test library 3. specify `test_id` and `version` 4. specify `alias` (of the test) and `version` Note: for (3) and (4) above, if `version` is not specified, then the latest test version is retrieved Parameters ---------- test_path : string Location of local JSON file with test definition. instance_path : string Location of local JSON file with test instance metadata. instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test instance. test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each test) associated with test instance. **params : Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the Test constructor. Note ---- To confirm the priority of parameters for specifying tests and instances, see :meth:`get_test_definition` and :meth:`get_test_instance` Returns ------- sciunit.Test Returns a :class:`sciunit.Test` instance. Examples -------- >>> test = test_library.get_validation_test(alias="CDT-6", instance_id="36a1960e-3e1f-4c3c-a3b6-d94e6754da1b") """ if test_path == "" and instance_id == "" and test_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("One of the following needs to be provided for finding the required test:\n" "test_path, instance_id, test_id or alias") else: if instance_id: # `instance_id` is sufficient for identifying both test and instance test_instance_json = self.get_test_instance(instance_path=instance_path, instance_id=instance_id) # instance_path added just to maintain order of priority test_id = test_instance_json["test_definition_id"] test_json = self.get_test_definition(test_path=test_path, test_id=test_id) # test_path added just to maintain order of priority else: test_json = self.get_test_definition(test_path=test_path, test_id=test_id, alias=alias) test_id = test_json["id"] # in case test_id was not input for specifying test test_instance_json = self.get_test_instance(instance_path=instance_path, instance_id=instance_id, test_id=test_id, version=version) # Import the Test class specified in the definition. # This assumes that the module containing the class is installed. # In future we could add the ability to (optionally) install # Python packages automatically. path_parts = test_instance_json["path"].split(".") cls_name = path_parts[-1] module_name = ".".join(path_parts[:-1]) test_module = import_module(module_name) test_cls = getattr(test_module, cls_name) # Load the reference data ("observations") observation_data = self._load_reference_data(test_json["data_location"]) # Create the :class:`sciunit.Test` instance test_instance = test_cls(observation=observation_data, **params) test_instance.uuid = test_instance_json["id"] return test_instance
[docs] def list_tests(self, **filters): """Retrieve a list of test definitions satisfying specified filters. The filters may specify one or more attributes that belong to a test definition. The following test attributes can be specified: * name * alias * author * species * age * brain_region * cell_type * data_modality * test_type * score_type * model_scope * abstraction_level * data_type * publication Parameters ---------- **filters : variable length keyword arguments To be used to filter test definitions from the test library. Returns ------- list List of model descriptions satisfying specified filters. Examples -------- >>> tests = test_library.list_tests() >>> tests = test_library.list_tests(test_type="single cell activity") >>> tests = test_library.list_tests(test_type="single cell activity", cell_type="Pyramidal Cell") """ valid_filters = ["name", "alias", "author", "species", "age", "brain_region", "cell_type", "data_modality", "test_type", "score_type", "model_scope", "abstraction_level", "data_type", "publication"] params = locals()["filters"] for filter in params: if filter not in valid_filters: raise ValueError("The specified filter '{}' is an invalid filter!\nValid filters are: {}".format(filter, valid_filters)) params = locals()["filters"] url = self.url + "/tests/?"+urlencode(params)+"&format=json" tests = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify).json() return tests["tests"]
[docs] def add_test(self, name="", alias=None, version="", author="", species="", age="", brain_region="", cell_type="", data_modality="", test_type="", score_type="", protocol="", data_location="", data_type="", publication="", repository="", path=""): """Register a new test on the test library. This allows you to add a new test to the test library. A test instance (version) needs to be specified when registering a new test. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the test definition to be created. alias : string, optional User-assigned unique identifier to be associated with test definition. version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each test) associated with test instance. author : string Name of person creating the test. species : string The species from which the data was collected. age : string The age of the specimen. brain_region : string The brain region being targeted in the test. cell_type : string The type of cell being examined. data_modality : string Specifies the type of observation used in the test. test_type : string Specifies the type of the test. score_type : string The type of score produced by the test. protocol : string Experimental protocol involved in obtaining reference data. data_location : string URL of file containing reference data (observation). data_type : string The type of reference data (observation). publication : string Publication or comment (e.g. "Unpublished") to be associated with observation. repository : string URL of Python package repository (e.g. GitHub). path : string Python path (not filesystem path) to test source code within Python package. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the test instance that has been created. Examples -------- >>> test = test_library.add_test(name="Cell Density Test", alias="", version="1.0", author="Shailesh Appukuttan", species="Mouse (Mus musculus)", age="TBD", brain_region="Hippocampus", cell_type="Other", data_modality="electron microscopy", test_type="network structure", score_type="Other", protocol="Later", data_location="collab://Validation Framework/observations/test_data/cell_density_Halasy_1996.json", data_type="Mean, SD", publication="Halasy et al., 1996", repository="", path="morphounit.tests.CellDensityTest") """ values = self.get_attribute_options() if species not in values["species"]: raise Exception("species = '" +species+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["species"])) if brain_region not in values["brain_region"]: raise Exception("brain_region = '" +brain_region+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["brain_region"])) if cell_type not in values["cell_type"]: raise Exception("cell_type = '" +cell_type+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["cell_type"])) if data_modality not in values["data_modalities"]: raise Exception("data_modality = '" +data_modality+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["data_modality"])) if test_type not in values["test_type"]: raise Exception("test_type = '" +test_type+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["test_type"])) if score_type not in values["score_type"]: raise Exception("score_type = '" +score_type+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["score_type"])) if alias == "": alias = None test_data = locals() test_data.pop("self") code_data = {} for key in ["version", "repository", "path", "values"]: code_data[key] = test_data.pop(key) url = self.url + "/tests/?format=json" test_json = { "test_data": test_data, "code_data": code_data } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response =, data=json.dumps(test_json), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 201: return response.json()["uuid"] else: raise Exception("Error in adding test. Response = " + str(response.json()))
[docs] def edit_test(self, name=None, test_id="", alias=None, author=None, species=None, age=None, brain_region=None, cell_type=None, data_modality=None, test_type=None, score_type=None, protocol=None, data_location=None, data_type=None, publication=None): """Edit an existing test in the test library. To update an existing test, the `test_id` must be provided. Any of the other parameters may be updated. Only the parameters being updated need to be specified. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the test definition. test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string, optional User-assigned unique identifier to be associated with test definition. author : string Name of person who created the test. species : string The species from which the data was collected. age : string The age of the specimen. brain_region : string The brain region being targeted in the test. cell_type : string The type of cell being examined. data_modality : string Specifies the type of observation used in the test. test_type : string Specifies the type of the test. score_type : string The type of score produced by the test. protocol : string Experimental protocol involved in obtaining reference data. data_location : string URL of file containing reference data (observation). data_type : string The type of reference data (observation). publication : string Publication or comment (e.g. "Unpublished") to be associated with observation. Note ---- Test instances cannot be edited here. This has to be done using :meth:`edit_test_instance` Returns ------- UUID (Verify!) UUID of the test instance that has been edited. Examples -------- test = test_library.edit_test(name="Cell Density Test", test_id="7b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec", alias="CDT-6", author="Shailesh Appukuttan", publication="Halasy et al., 1996", species="Mouse (Mus musculus)", brain_region="Hippocampus", cell_type="Other", age="TBD", data_modality="electron microscopy", test_type="network structure", score_type="Other", protocol="To be filled sometime later", data_location="collab://Validation Framework/observations/test_data/cell_density_Halasy_1996.json", data_type="Mean, SD") """ if test_id == "": raise Exception("Test ID needs to be provided for editing a test.") id = test_id # as needed by API test_data = locals() for key in ["self", "test_id"]: test_data.pop(key) # assign existing values for parameters not specified url = self.url + "/tests/?id=" + test_id + "&format=json" test_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if test_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test. Response = " + str(test_json)) test_json = test_json.json() if len(test_json["tests"]) == 0: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test definition. Possibly invalid input data.") test_json = test_json["tests"][0] test_json["score_type"] = "Other" for key in test_data: if test_data[key] is None: test_data[key] = test_json[key] if test_data["alias"] == "": test_data["alias"] = None values = self.get_attribute_options() if test_data["species"] not in values["species"]: raise Exception("species = '" +test_data["species"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["species"])) if test_data["brain_region"] not in values["brain_region"]: raise Exception("brain_region = '" +test_data["brain_region"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["brain_region"])) if test_data["cell_type"] not in values["cell_type"]: raise Exception("cell_type = '" +test_data["cell_type"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["cell_type"])) if test_data["data_modality"] not in values["data_modalities"]: raise Exception("data_modality = '" +test_data["data_modality"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["data_modality"])) if test_data["test_type"] not in values["test_type"]: raise Exception("test_type = '" +test_data["test_type"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["test_type"])) if test_data["score_type"] not in values["score_type"]: raise Exception("score_type = '" +test_data["score_type"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["score_type"])) url = self.url + "/tests/?format=json" test_json = test_data # retaining similar structure as other methods headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(test_json), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 202: return response.json()["uuid"] else: raise Exception("Error in editing test. Response = " + str(response.json()))
[docs] def delete_test(self, test_id="", alias=""): """ONLY FOR SUPERUSERS: Delete a specific test definition by its test_id or alias. A specific test definition can be deleted from the test library, along with all associated test instances, in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify the `test_id` 2. specify the `alias` (of the test) Parameters ---------- test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. Note ---- * This feature is only for superusers! Examples -------- >>> test_library.delete_test(test_id="8c7cb9f6-e380-452c-9e98-e77254b088c5") >>> test_library.delete_test(alias="B1") """ if test_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("test ID or alias needs to be provided for deleting a test.") elif test_id != "": url = self.url + "/tests/?id=" + test_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/tests/?alias=" + alias + "&format=json" test_json = requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if test_json.status_code == 403: raise Exception("Only SuperUser accounts can delete data. Response = " + str(test_json)) elif test_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in deleting test. Response = " + str(test_json))
[docs] def get_test_instance(self, instance_path="", instance_id="", test_id="", alias="", version=""): """Retrieve a specific test instance definition from the test library. A specific test instance can be retrieved in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. load from a local JSON file specified via `instance_path` 2. specify `instance_id` corresponding to test instance in test library 3. specify `test_id` and `version` 4. specify `alias` (of the test) and `version` Note: for (3) and (4) above, if `version` is not specified, then the latest test version is retrieved Parameters ---------- instance_path : string Location of local JSON file with test instance metadata. instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test instance. test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each test) associated with test instance. Returns ------- dict Information about the test instance. Examples -------- >>> test_instance = test_library.get_test_instance(test_id="7b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec", version="1.0") >>> test_instance = test_library.get_test_instance(test_id="7b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec") """ if instance_path == "" and instance_id == "" and test_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("instance_path or instance_id or test_id or alias needs to be provided for finding a test instance.") if instance_path: if os.path.isfile(instance_path): # instance_path is a local path with open(instance_path) as fp: test_instance_json = json.load(fp) else: raise Exception("Error in local file path specified by instance_path.") else: if instance_id: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?id=" + instance_id + "&format=json" elif test_id and version: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_definition_id=" + test_id + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" elif alias and version: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_alias=" + alias + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" elif test_id and not version: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_definition_id=" + test_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_alias=" + alias + "&format=json" test_instance_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if test_instance_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test instance. Response = " + str(test_instance_json.content)) test_instance_json = test_instance_json.json() if len(test_instance_json["test_codes"]) == 1: return test_instance_json["test_codes"][0] elif len(test_instance_json["test_codes"]) > 1: return max(test_instance_json["test_codes"], key=lambda x:x['timestamp']) else: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test instance. Possibly invalid input data.")
[docs] def list_test_instances(self, instance_path="", test_id="", alias=""): """Retrieve list of test instances belonging to a specified test. This can be retrieved in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. load from a local JSON file specified via `instance_path` 2. specify `test_id` 3. specify `alias` (of the test) Parameters ---------- instance_path : string Location of local JSON file with test instance metadata. test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. Returns ------- dict[] Information about the test instances. Examples -------- >>> test_instances = test_library.list_test_instances(test_id="8b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec") """ if instance_path == "" and test_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("instance_path or test_id or alias needs to be provided for finding test instances.") if instance_path and os.path.isfile(instance_path): # instance_path is a local path with open(instance_path) as fp: test_instances_json = json.load(fp) else: if test_id: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_definition_id=" + test_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_alias=" + alias + "&format=json" test_instances_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if test_instances_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test instances. Response = " + str(test_instances_json)) test_instances_json = test_instances_json.json() return test_instances_json["test_codes"]
[docs] def add_test_instance(self, test_id="", alias="", repository="", path="", version="", description="", parameters=""): """Register a new test instance. This allows to add a new instance to an existing test in the test library. The `test_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Parameters ---------- test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. repository : string URL of Python package repository (e.g. github). path : string Python path (not filesystem path) to test source code within Python package. version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each test) associated with test instance. description : string, optional Text describing this specific test instance. parameters : string, optional Any additional parameters to be submitted to test, or used by it, at runtime. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the test instance that has been created. Note ---- * `alias` is not currently implemented in the API; kept for future use. * TODO: Either test_id or alias needs to be provided, with test_id taking precedence over alias. Examples -------- >>> response = test_library.add_test_instance(test_id="7b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec", repository="", path="morphounit.tests.CellDensityTest", version="3.0") """ test_definition_id = test_id # as needed by API instance_data = locals() for key in ["self", "test_id"]: instance_data.pop(key) if test_definition_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("test_id needs to be provided for finding the test.") #raise Exception("test_id or alias needs to be provided for finding the test.") elif test_definition_id != "": url = self.url + "/test-instances/?format=json" else: raise Exception("alias is not currently implemented for this feature.") #url = self.url + "/test-instances/?alias=" + alias + "&format=json" headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response =, data=json.dumps([instance_data]), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 201: return response.json()["uuid"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in adding test instance. Response = " + str(response))
[docs] def edit_test_instance(self, instance_id="", test_id="", alias="", repository=None, path=None, version=None, description=None, parameters=None): """Edit an existing test instance. This allows to edit an instance of an existing test in the test library. The test instance can be specified in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify `instance_id` corresponding to test instance in test library 2. specify `test_id` and `version` 3. specify `alias` (of the test) and `version` Only the parameters being updated need to be specified. You cannot edit the test `version` in the latter two cases. To do so, you must employ the first option above. You can retrieve the `instance_id` via :meth:`get_test_instance` Parameters ---------- instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test instance. test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. repository : string URL of Python package repository (e.g. github). path : string Python path (not filesystem path) to test source code within Python package. version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each test) associated with test instance. description : string, optional Text describing this specific test instance. parameters : string, optional Any additional parameters to be submitted to test, or used by it, at runtime. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the test instance that has was edited. Examples -------- >>> response = test_library.edit_test_instance(test_id="7b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec", repository="", path="morphounit.tests.CellDensityTest", version="4.0") """ if instance_id == "" and (test_id == "" or not version) and (alias == "" or not version): raise Exception("instance_id or (test_id, version) or (alias, version) needs to be provided for finding a test instance.") if instance_id: id = instance_id # as needed by API if test_id: test_definition_id = test_id # as needed by API if alias: test_alias = alias # as needed by API instance_data = locals() for key in ["self", "test_id", "alias"]: instance_data.pop(key) # assign existing values for parameters not specified if instance_id: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?id=" + instance_id + "&format=json" elif test_id and version: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_definition_id=" + test_id + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_alias=" + alias + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" test_instance_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if test_instance_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test instance. Response = " + str(test_instance_json)) test_instance_json = test_instance_json.json() if len(test_instance_json["test_codes"]) == 0: raise Exception("Error in retrieving test instance. Possibly invalid input data.") test_instance_json = test_instance_json["test_codes"][0] for key in instance_data: if instance_data[key] is None: instance_data[key] = test_instance_json[key] url = self.url + "/test-instances/?format=json" headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps([instance_data]), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 202: return response.json()["uuid"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in editing test instance. Response = " + str(response.content))
[docs] def delete_test_instance(self, instance_id="", test_id="", alias="", version=""): """ONLY FOR SUPERUSERS: Delete an existing test instance. This allows to delete an instance of an existing test in the test library. The test instance can be specified in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify `instance_id` corresponding to test instance in test library 2. specify `test_id` and `version` 3. specify `alias` (of the test) and `version` Parameters ---------- instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test instance. test_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with test definition. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test definition. version : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with test instance. Note ---- * This feature is only for superusers! Examples -------- >>> test_library.delete_model_instance(test_id="8c7cb9f6-e380-452c-9e98-e77254b088c5") >>> test_library.delete_model_instance(alias="B1", version="1.0") """ if instance_id == "" and (test_id == "" or version == "") and (alias == "" or version == ""): raise Exception("instance_id or (test_id, version) or (alias, version) needs to be provided for finding a test instance.") if instance_id: id = instance_id # as needed by API if test_id: test_definition_id = test_id # as needed by API if alias: test_alias = alias # as needed by API if instance_id: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?id=" + instance_id + "&format=json" elif test_id and version: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_definition_id=" + test_id + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/test-instances/?test_alias=" + alias + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" test_instance_json = requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if test_instance_json.status_code == 403: raise Exception("Only SuperUser accounts can delete data. Response = " + str(test_instance_json)) elif test_instance_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in deleting test instance. Response = " + str(test_instance_json))
def _load_reference_data(self, uri): # Load the reference data ("observations"). parse_result = urlparse(uri) datastore = URI_SCHEME_MAP[parse_result.scheme](auth=self.auth) observation_data = datastore.load_data(uri) return observation_data
[docs] def get_attribute_options(self, param=""): """Retrieve valid values for test attributes. Will return the list of valid values (where applicable) for various test attributes. The following test attributes can be specified: * cell_type * test_type * score_type * brain_region * data_modalities * species If an attribute is specified, then only values that correspond to it will be returned, else values for all attributes are returned. Parameters ---------- param : string, optional Attribute of interest Returns ------- dict Dictionary with key(s) as attribute(s), and value(s) as list of valid options. Examples -------- >>> data = test_library.get_attribute_options() >>> data = test_library.get_attribute_options("cell_type") """ if param == "": param = "all" valid_params = ["cell_type", "test_type", "score_type", "brain_region", "model_scope", "abstraction_level", "data_modalities", "species", "organization", "all"] if param in valid_params: url = self.url + "/authorizedcollabparameterrest/?python_client=true&parameters="+param+"&format=json" else: raise Exception("Specified attribute '{}' is invalid. Valid attributes: {}".format(param, valid_params)) data = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify).json() return ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(data))
[docs] def get_result(self, result_id="", order=""): """Retrieve a test result. This allows to retrieve the test result score and other related information. The `result_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Parameters ---------- result_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with result. order : string, optional Determines how the result should be structured. Valid values are "test", "model" or "". Default is "" and provides concise result summary. Returns ------- dict Information about the result retrieved. Examples -------- >>> result = test_library.get_result(result_id="901ac0f3-2557-4ae3-bb2b-37617312da09") >>> result = test_library.get_result(result_id="901ac0f3-2557-4ae3-bb2b-37617312da09", order="test") """ valid_orders = ["test", "model", "test_code", "model_instance", "score_type", ""] if not result_id: raise Exception("result_id needs to be provided for finding a specific result.") elif order not in valid_orders: raise Exception("order needs to be specified from: {}".format(valid_orders)) else: url = self.url + "/results/?id=" + result_id + "&order=" + order + "&format=json" result_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if result_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving result. Response = " + str(result_json) + ".\nContent = " + str(result_json.content)) result_json = result_json.json() # Unlike other "get_" methods, we do not return "[key][0]" as the key can vary # based on the parameter "order". Retaining this key is potentially useful. return result_json
[docs] def list_results(self, order="", **filters): """Retrieve test results satisfying specified filters. This allows to retrieve a list of test results with their scores and other related information. Parameters ---------- order : string, optional Determines how the result should be structured. Valid values are "test", "model" or "". Default is "" and provides concise result summary. **filters : variable length keyword arguments To be used to filter the results metadata. Returns ------- dict Information about the results retrieved. Examples -------- >>> results = test_library.list_results() >>> results = test_library.list_results(order="test", test_id="7b63f87b-d709-4194-bae1-15329daf3dec") >>> results = test_library.list_results(id="901ac0f3-2557-4ae3-bb2b-37617312da09") >>> results = test_library.list_results(model_version_id="f32776c7-658f-462f-a944-1daf8765ec97", order="test") """ valid_orders = ["test", "model", "test_code", "model_instance", "score_type", ""] if order not in valid_orders: raise Exception("order needs to be specified from: {}".format(valid_orders)) else: params = locals()["filters"] url = self.url + "/results/?" + "order=" + order + "&" + urlencode(params) + "&format=json" result_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if result_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving results. Response = " + str(result_json) + ".\nContent = " + str(result_json.content)) result_json = result_json.json() return result_json
[docs] def register_result(self, test_result, data_store=None, project=None): """Register test result with HBP Validation Results Service. The score of a test, along with related output data such as figures, can be registered on the validation framework. Parameters ---------- test_result : :class:`sciunit.Score` a :class:`sciunit.Score` instance returned by `test.judge(model)` data_store : :class:`DataStore` a :class:`DataStore` instance, for uploading related data generated by the test run, e.g. figures. project : int Numeric input specifying the Collab ID, e.g. 8123. This is used to indicate the Collab where results should be saved. Note ---- Source code for this method still contains comments/suggestions from previous client. To be removed or implemented. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the test result that has been created. Examples -------- >>> score = test.judge(model) >>> response = test_library.register_result(test_result=score) """ if project is None: project = test_result.related_data.get("project", None) if project is None: raise Exception("Don't know where to register this result. Please specify the Collab ID") model_catalog = ModelCatalog.from_existing(self) model_instance_uuid = model_catalog.find_model_instance_else_add(test_result.model) results_storage = "" if data_store: if not data_store.authorized: data_store.authorize(self.auth) # relies on data store using HBP authorization # if this is not the case, need to authenticate/authorize # the data store before passing to `register()` if data_store.collab_id is None: data_store.collab_id = project files_to_upload = [] if "figures" in test_result.related_data: files_to_upload.extend(test_result.related_data["figures"]) if files_to_upload: results_storage = data_store.upload_data(files_to_upload) url = self.url + "/results/?format=json" result_json = { "model_version_id": model_instance_uuid, "test_code_id": test_result.test.uuid, "results_storage": results_storage, "score": test_result.score, "passed": None if "passed" not in test_result.related_data else test_result.related_data["passed"], "platform": str(self._get_platform()), # database accepts a string "project": project, "normalized_score": test_result.score } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response =, data=json.dumps([result_json]), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 201: print("Result registered successfully!") return response.json()["uuid"][0] else: raise Exception(response.content)
[docs] def delete_result(self, result_id=""): """ONLY FOR SUPERUSERS: Delete a result on the validation framework. This allows to delete an existing result info on the validation framework. The `result_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Parameters ---------- result_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with result. Note ---- * This feature is only for superusers! Examples -------- >>> model_catalog.delete_result(result_id="2b45e7d4-a7a1-4a31-a287-aee7072e3e75") """ if not result_id: raise Exception("result_id needs to be provided for finding a specific result.") else: url = self.url + "/results/?id=" + result_id + "&format=json" model_image_json = requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_image_json.status_code == 403: raise Exception("Only SuperUser accounts can delete data. Response = " + str(model_image_json)) elif model_image_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in deleting result. Response = " + str(model_image_json))
def _get_platform(self): """ Return a dict containing information about the platform the test was run on. """ # This needs to be extended to support remote execution, e.g. job queues on clusters. # Use Sumatra? network_name = platform.node() bits, linkage = platform.architecture() if _have_internet_connection(): try: ip_addr = socket.gethostbyname(network_name) except socket.gaierror: ip_addr = "" else: ip_addr = "" return dict(architecture_bits=bits, architecture_linkage=linkage, machine=platform.machine(), network_name=network_name, ip_addr=ip_addr, processor=platform.processor(), release=platform.release(), system_name=platform.system(), version=platform.version())
[docs]class ModelCatalog(BaseClient): """Client for the HBP Model Catalog. The ModelCatalog client manages all actions pertaining to models. The following actions can be performed: ==================================== ==================================== Action Method ==================================== ==================================== Get model description :meth:`get_model` List model descriptions :meth:`list_models` Register new model description :meth:`register_model` Edit model description :meth:`edit_model` Get valid attribute values :meth:`get_attribute_options` Get model instance :meth:`get_model_instance` Download model instance :meth:`download_model_instance` List model instances :meth:`list_model_instances` Add new model instance :meth:`add_model_instance` Find model instance; else add :meth:`find_model_instance_else_add` Edit existing model instance :meth:`edit_model_instance` Get figure from model description :meth:`get_model_image` List figures from model description :meth:`list_model_images` Add figure to model description :meth:`add_model_image` Edit existing figure metadata :meth:`edit_model_image` ==================================== ==================================== Parameters ---------- username : string Your HBP Collaboratory username. Not needed in Jupyter notebooks within the HBP Collaboratory. password : string, optional Your HBP Collaboratory password; advisable to not enter as plaintext. If left empty, you would be prompted for password at run time (safer). Not needed in Jupyter notebooks within the HBP Collaboratory. environment : string, optional Used to indicate whether being used for development/testing purposes. Set as `production` as default for using the production system, which is appropriate for most users. When set to `dev`, it uses the `development` system. Other environments, if required, should be defined inside a json file named `config.json` in the working directory. Example: .. code-block:: JSON { "prod": { "url": "", "client_id": "3ae21f28-0302-4d28-8581-15853ad6107d" }, "dev_test": { "url": "https://localhost:8000", "client_id": "90c719e0-29ce-43a2-9c53-15cb314c2d0b", "verify_ssl": false } } Examples -------- Instantiate an instance of the ModelCatalog class >>> model_catalog = ModelCatalog(hbp_username) """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, environment="production"): super(ModelCatalog, self).__init__(username, password, environment) self._set_app_info() def _set_app_info(self): if self.environment == "production": self.app_id = 357 self.app_name = "Model Catalog" elif self.environment == "dev": self.app_id = 348 self.app_name = "Model Catalog (dev)" elif self.environment == "integration": self.app_id = 431 self.app_name = "Model Catalog (staging)" def set_app_config(self, collab_id="", app_id="", only_if_new=False, species="", brain_region="", cell_type="", model_scope="", abstraction_level="", organization=""): inputArgs = locals() params = {} params["url"] = self.url + "/parametersconfiguration-model-catalog/parametersconfigurationrest/" params["only_if_new"] = only_if_new params["config"] = inputArgs params["config"].pop("self") params["config"].pop("only_if_new") params["config"]["app_type"] = "model_catalog" self._configure_app_collab(params) def set_app_config_minimal(self, collab_id="", app_id="", only_if_new=False): inputArgs = locals() species = [] brain_region = [] cell_type = [] model_scope = [] abstraction_level = [] organization = [] models = self.list_models(app_id=app_id) if len(models) == 0: print("There are currently no models associated with this Model Catalog app.\nConfiguring filters to show all accessible data.") for model in models: if model["species"] not in species: species.append(model["species"]) if model["brain_region"] not in brain_region: brain_region.append(model["brain_region"]) if model["cell_type"] not in cell_type: cell_type.append(model["cell_type"]) if model["model_scope"] not in model_scope: model_scope.append(model["model_scope"]) if model["abstraction_level"] not in abstraction_level: abstraction_level.append(model["abstraction_level"]) if model["organization"] not in organization: organization.append(model["organization"]) filters = {} for key in ["collab_id", "app_id", "species", "brain_region", "cell_type", "model_scope", "abstraction_level", "organization"]: if isinstance(locals()[key], list): filters[key] = ",".join(locals()[key]) else: filters[key] = locals()[key] params = {} params["url"] = self.url + "/parametersconfiguration-model-catalog/parametersconfigurationrest/" params["only_if_new"] = only_if_new params["config"] = filters params["config"]["app_type"] = "model_catalog" self._configure_app_collab(params)
[docs] def get_model(self, model_id="", alias="", instances=True, images=True): """Retrieve a specific model description by its model_id or alias. A specific model description can be retrieved from the model catalog in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify the `model_id` 2. specify the `alias` (of the model) Parameters ---------- model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. instances : boolean, optional Set to False if you wish to omit the details of the model instances; default True. images : boolean, optional Set to False if you wish to omit the details of the model images (figures); default True. Returns ------- dict Entire model description as a JSON object. Examples -------- >>> model = model_catalog.get_model(model_id="8c7cb9f6-e380-452c-9e98-e77254b088c5") >>> model = model_catalog.get_model(alias="B1") """ if model_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("Model ID or alias needs to be provided for finding a model.") elif model_id != "": url = self.url + "/models/?id=" + model_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/models/?alias=" + alias + "&format=json" model_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model. Response = " + str(model_json)) model_json = model_json.json() if len(model_json["models"]) == 1: if instances == False: model_json["models"][0].pop("instances") if images == False: model_json["models"][0].pop("images") return model_json["models"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model description. Possibly invalid input data.")
[docs] def list_models(self, **filters): """Retrieve list of model descriptions satisfying specified filters. The filters may specify one or more attributes that belong to a model description. The following model attributes can be specified: * app_id * name * alias * author * organization * species * brain_region * cell_type * model_scope * abstraction_level * owner * project * license Parameters ---------- **filters : variable length keyword arguments To be used to filter model descriptions from the model catalog. Returns ------- list List of model descriptions satisfying specified filters. Examples -------- >>> models = model_catalog.list_models() >>> models = model_catalog.list_models(app_id="39968") >>> models = model_catalog.list_models(cell_type="Pyramidal Cell", brain_region="Hippocampus") """ valid_filters = ["app_id", "collab_id", "name", "alias", "author", "organization", "species", "brain_region", "cell_type", "model_scope", "abstraction_level", "owner", "project", "license"] params = locals()["filters"] for filter in params: if filter not in valid_filters: raise ValueError("The specified filter '{}' is an invalid filter!\nValid filters are: {}".format(filter, valid_filters)) url = self.url + "/models/?"+urlencode(params)+"&format=json" response = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) try: models = response.json() except json.JSONDecodeError: raise Exception("Error in list_models():\n{}".format(response.content)) return models["models"]
[docs] def register_model(self, app_id="", name="", alias=None, author="", organization="", private=False, species="", brain_region="", cell_type="", model_scope="", abstraction_level="", owner="", project="", license="", description="", instances=[], images=[]): """Register a new model in the model catalog. This allows you to add a new model to the model catalog. Model instances and/or images (figures) can optionally be specified at the time of model creation, or can be added later individually. Parameters ---------- app_id : string Specifies the ID of the host model catalog app on the HBP Collaboratory. (the model would belong to this app) name : string Name of the model description to be created. alias : string, optional User-assigned unique identifier to be associated with model description. author : string Name of person creating the model description. organization : string, optional Option to tag model with organization info. private : boolean Set visibility of model description. If True, model would only be seen in host app (where created). Default False. species : string The species for which the model is developed. brain_region : string The brain region for which the model is developed. cell_type : string The type of cell for which the model is developed. model_scope : string Specifies the type of the model. abstraction_level : string Specifies the model abstraction level. owner : string Specifies the owner of the model. Need not necessarily be the same as the author. project : string Can be used to indicate the project to which the model belongs. license : string Indicates the license applicable for this model. description : string Provides a description of the model. instances : list, optional Specify a list of instances (versions) of the model. images : list, optional Specify a list of images (figures) to be linked to the model. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the model description that has been created. Examples -------- (without instances and images) >>> model = model_catalog.register_model(app_id="39968", name="Test Model - B2", alias="Model vB2", author="Shailesh Appukuttan", organization="HBP-SP6", private=False, cell_type="Granule Cell", model_scope="Single cell model", abstraction_level="Spiking neurons", brain_region="Basal Ganglia", species="Mouse (Mus musculus)", owner="Andrew Davison", project="SP 6.4", license="BSD 3-Clause", description="This is a test entry") (with instances and images) >>> model = model_catalog.register_model(app_id="39968", name="Test Model - C2", alias="Model vC2", author="Shailesh Appukuttan", organization="HBP-SP6", private=False, cell_type="Granule Cell", model_scope="Single cell model", abstraction_level="Spiking neurons", brain_region="Basal Ganglia", species="Mouse (Mus musculus)", owner="Andrew Davison", project="SP 6.4", license="BSD 3-Clause", description="This is a test entry! Please ignore.", instances=[{"source":"", "version":"1.0", "parameters":""}, {"source":"", "version":"2.0", "parameters":""}], images=[{"url":"", "caption":"NEURON Logo"}, {"url":"", "caption":"HBP Logo"}]) """ values = self.get_attribute_options() if cell_type not in values["cell_type"]: raise Exception("cell_type = '" +cell_type+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["cell_type"])) if model_scope not in values["model_scope"]: raise Exception("model_scope = '" +model_scope+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["model_scope"])) if abstraction_level not in values["abstraction_level"]: raise Exception("abstraction_level = '" +abstraction_level+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["abstraction_level"])) if brain_region not in values["brain_region"]: raise Exception("brain_region = '" +brain_region+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["brain_region"])) if species not in values["species"]: raise Exception("species = '" +species+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["species"])) values["organization"].append("") # allow blank organization field if organization not in values["organization"]: raise Exception("organization = '" +organization+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["organization"])) if private not in [True, False]: raise Exception("Model's 'private' attribute should be specified as True / False. Default value is False.") model_data = locals() for key in ["self", "app_id", "instances", "images", "values"]: model_data.pop(key) url = self.url + "/models/?app_id="+app_id+"&format=json" model_json = { "model": model_data, "model_instance":instances, "model_image":images } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response =, data=json.dumps(model_json), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 201: return response.json()["uuid"] else: raise Exception("Error in adding model. Response = " + str(response.content))
[docs] def edit_model(self, model_id="", app_id=None, name=None, alias=None, author=None, organization=None, private=None, cell_type=None, model_scope=None, abstraction_level=None, brain_region=None, species=None, owner="", project="", license="", description=None): """Edit an existing model on the model catalog. This allows you to edit a new model to the model catalog. The `model_id` must be provided. Any of the other parameters maybe updated. Only the parameters being updated need to be specified. Parameters ---------- model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. app_id : string Specifies the ID of the host model catalog app on the HBP Collaboratory. (the model would belong to this app) name : string Name of the model description to be created. alias : string, optional User-assigned unique identifier to be associated with model description. author : string Name of person creating the model description. organization : string, optional Option to tag model with organization info. private : boolean Set visibility of model description. If True, model would only be seen in host app (where created). Default False. species : string The species for which the model is developed. brain_region : string The brain region for which the model is developed. cell_type : string The type of cell for which the model is developed. model_scope : string Specifies the type of the model. abstraction_level : string Specifies the model abstraction level. owner : string Specifies the owner of the model. Need not necessarily be the same as the author. project : string Can be used to indicate the project to which the model belongs. license : string Indicates the license applicable for this model. description : string Provides a description of the model. Note ---- Model instances and images (figures) cannot be edited here. This has to be done using :meth:`edit_model_instance` and :meth:`edit_model_image` Returns ------- UUID UUID of the model description that has been edited. Examples -------- >>> model = model_catalog.edit_model(app_id="39968", name="Test Model - B2", model_id="8c7cb9f6-e380-452c-9e98-e77254b088c5", alias="Model-B2", author="Shailesh Appukuttan", organization="HBP-SP6", private=False, cell_type="Granule Cell", model_scope="Single cell model", abstraction_level="Spiking neurons", brain_region="Basal Ganglia", species="Mouse (Mus musculus)", owner="Andrew Davison", project="SP 6.4", license="BSD 3-Clause", description="This is a test entry") """ if model_id == "": raise Exception("Model ID needs to be provided for editing a model.") id = model_id # as needed by API model_data = locals() for key in ["self", "app_id", "model_id"]: model_data.pop(key) # assign existing values for parameters not specified url = self.url + "/models/?id=" + model_id + "&format=json" model_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model. Response = " + str(model_json)) model_json = model_json.json() if len(model_json["models"]) == 0: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model description. Possibly invalid input data.") model_json = model_json["models"][0] for key in model_data: if model_data[key] is None: model_data[key] = model_json[key] if app_id is None: app_id = model_json["app"]["id"] if model_data["alias"] == "": model_data["alias"] = None values = self.get_attribute_options() if model_data["cell_type"] not in values["cell_type"]: raise Exception("cell_type = '" +model_data["cell_type"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["cell_type"])) if model_data["model_scope"] not in values["model_scope"]: raise Exception("model_scope = '" +model_data["model_scope"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["model_scope"])) if model_data["abstraction_level"] not in values["abstraction_level"]: raise Exception("abstraction_level = '" +model_data["abstraction_level"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["abstraction_level"])) if model_data["brain_region"] not in values["brain_region"]: raise Exception("brain_region = '" +model_data["brain_region"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["brain_region"])) if model_data["species"] not in values["species"]: raise Exception("species = '" +model_data["species"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["species"])) values["organization"].append("") # allow blank organization field if model_data["organization"] not in values["organization"]: raise Exception("organization = '" +model_data["organization"]+"' is invalid.\nValue has to be one of these: " + str(values["organization"])) if model_data["private"] not in [True, False]: raise Exception("Model's 'private' attribute should be specified as True / False. Default value is False.") url = self.url + "/models/?app_id="+app_id+"&format=json" model_json = { "models": [model_data] } headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps(model_json), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 202: return response.json()["uuid"] else: raise Exception("Error in updating model. Response = " + str(response))
[docs] def delete_model(self, model_id="", alias=""): """ONLY FOR SUPERUSERS: Delete a specific model description by its model_id or alias. A specific model description can be deleted from the model catalog, along with all associated model instances, images and results, in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify the `model_id` 2. specify the `alias` (of the model) Parameters ---------- model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. Note ---- * This feature is only for superusers! Examples -------- >>> model_catalog.delete_model(model_id="8c7cb9f6-e380-452c-9e98-e77254b088c5") >>> model_catalog.delete_model(alias="B1") """ if model_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("Model ID or alias needs to be provided for deleting a model.") elif model_id != "": url = self.url + "/models/?id=" + model_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/models/?alias=" + alias + "&format=json" model_json = requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_json.status_code == 403: raise Exception("Only SuperUser accounts can delete data. Response = " + str(model_json)) elif model_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in deleting model. Response = " + str(model_json))
[docs] def get_attribute_options(self, param=""): """Retrieve valid values for attributes. Will return the list of valid values (where applicable) for various attributes. The following model attributes can be specified: * cell_type * brain_region * model_scope * abstraction_level * species * organization If an attribute is specified then, only values that correspond to it will be returned, else values for all attributes are returned. Parameters ---------- param : string, optional Attribute of interest Returns ------- dict Dictionary with key(s) as attribute(s), and value(s) as list of valid options. Examples -------- >>> data = model_catalog.get_attribute_options() >>> data = model_catalog.get_attribute_options("cell_type") """ if param == "": param = "all" valid_params = ["cell_type", "test_type", "score_type", "brain_region", "model_scope", "abstraction_level", "data_modalities", "species", "organization", "all"] if param in valid_params: url = self.url + "/authorizedcollabparameterrest/?python_client=true&parameters="+param+"&format=json" else: raise Exception("Specified attribute '{}' is invalid. Valid attributes: {}".format(param, valid_params)) data = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify).json() return ast.literal_eval(json.dumps(data))
[docs] def get_model_instance(self, instance_path="", instance_id="", model_id="", alias="", version=""): """Retrieve an existing model instance. A specific model instance can be retrieved in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. load from a local JSON file specified via `instance_path` 2. specify `instance_id` corresponding to model instance in model catalog 3. specify `model_id` and `version` 4. specify `alias` (of the model) and `version` Parameters ---------- instance_path : string Location of local JSON file with model instance metadata. instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model instance. model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each model) associated with model instance. Returns ------- dict Information about the model instance. Examples -------- >>> model_instance = model_catalog.get_model_instance(instance_id="a035f2b2-fe2e-42fd-82e2-4173a304263b") """ if instance_path == "" and instance_id == "" and (model_id == "" or version == "") and (alias == "" or version == ""): raise Exception("instance_path or instance_id or (model_id, version) or (alias, version) needs to be provided for finding a model instance.") if instance_path and os.path.isfile(instance_path): # instance_path is a local path with open(instance_path) as fp: model_instance_json = json.load(fp) else: if instance_id: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?id=" + instance_id + "&format=json" elif model_id and version: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_id=" + model_id + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_alias=" + alias + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" model_instance_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_instance_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model instance. Response = " + str(model_instance_json)) model_instance_json = model_instance_json.json() if len(model_instance_json["instances"]) == 1: return model_instance_json["instances"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model instance. Possibly invalid input data.")
[docs] def download_model_instance(self, instance_path="", instance_id="", model_id="", alias="", version="", local_directory="."): """Download files/directory corresponding to an existing model instance. Files/directory corresponding to a model instance to be downloaded. The model instance can be specified in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. load from a local JSON file specified via `instance_path` 2. specify `instance_id` corresponding to model instance in model catalog 3. specify `model_id` and `version` 4. specify `alias` (of the model) and `version` Parameters ---------- instance_path : string Location of local JSON file with model instance metadata. instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model instance. model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each model) associated with model instance. local_directory : string Directory path (relative/absolute) where files should be downloaded and saved. Default is current location. Existing files, if any, at the target location will be overwritten! Returns ------- string Absolute path of the downloaded file/directory. Note ---- Existing files, if any, at the target location will be overwritten! Examples -------- >>> file_path = model_catalog.download_model_instance(instance_id="a035f2b2-fe2e-42fd-82e2-4173a304263b") """ model_source = self.get_model_instance(instance_path=instance_path, instance_id=instance_id, model_id=model_id, alias=alias, version=version)["source"] if model_source[-1]=="/": model_source = model_source[:-1] # remove trailing '/' Path(local_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fileList = [] if model_source.startswith(""): # ***** Handles Collab storage urls ***** entity_uuid = model_source.split("?state=uuid%3D")[-1] datastore = URI_SCHEME_MAP["collab"](auth=self.auth) fileList = datastore.download_data_using_uuid(entity_uuid, local_directory=local_directory) elif model_source.startswith("swift://"): # ***** Handles CSCS private urls ***** datastore = URI_SCHEME_MAP["swift"]() fileList = datastore.download_data(str(model_source), local_directory=local_directory) elif model_source.startswith(""): # ***** Handles CSCS public urls (file or folder) ***** req = requests.head(model_source) if req.status_code == 200: if "directory" in req.headers["Content-Type"]: base_source = "/".join(model_source.split("/")[:6]) model_rel_source = "/".join(model_source.split("/")[6:]) dir_name = model_source.split("/")[-1] req = requests.get(base_source) contents = req.text.split("\n") files_match = [os.path.join(base_source, x) for x in contents if x.startswith(model_rel_source) and "." in x] local_directory = os.path.join(local_directory, dir_name) Path(local_directory).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) else: files_match = [model_source] datastore = URI_SCHEME_MAP["http"]() fileList = datastore.download_data(files_match, local_directory=local_directory) else: raise FileNotFoundError("Requested file/folder not found: {}".format(model_source)) else: # ***** Handles ModelDB and external urls (only file; not folder) ***** datastore = URI_SCHEME_MAP["http"]() fileList = datastore.download_data(str(model_source), local_directory=local_directory) if len(fileList) > 0: flag = True if len(fileList) == 1: outpath = fileList[0] else: outpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.commonprefix(fileList)) return os.path.abspath(outpath.encode('ascii')) else: print("\nSource location: {}".format(model_source)) print("Could not download the specified file(s)!") return None
[docs] def list_model_instances(self, instance_path="", model_id="", alias=""): """Retrieve list of model instances belonging to a specified model. This can be retrieved in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. load from a local JSON file specified via `instance_path` 2. specify `model_id` 3. specify `alias` (of the model) Parameters ---------- instance_path : string Location of local JSON file with model instance metadata. model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. Returns ------- list List of dicts containing information about the model instances. Examples -------- >>> model_instances = model_catalog.list_model_instances(alias="Model vB2") """ if instance_path == "" and model_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("instance_path or model_id or alias needs to be provided for finding model instances.") if instance_path and os.path.isfile(instance_path): # instance_path is a local path with open(instance_path) as fp: model_instances_json = json.load(fp) else: if model_id: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_id=" + model_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_alias=" + alias + "&format=json" model_instances_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_instances_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model instances. Response = " + str(model_instances_json)) model_instances_json = model_instances_json.json() return model_instances_json["instances"]
[docs] def add_model_instance(self, model_id="", alias="", source="", version="", description="", parameters="", code_format="", hash="", morphology=""): """Register a new model instance. This allows to add a new instance of an existing model in the model catalog. The `model_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Parameters ---------- model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. source : string Path to model source code repository (e.g. github). version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each model) associated with model instance. description : string, optional Text describing this specific model instance. parameters : string, optional Any additional parameters to be submitted to model, or used by it, at runtime. code_format : string, optional Indicates the language/platform in which the model was developed. hash : string, optional Similar to a checksum; can be used to identify model instances from their implementation. morphology : string / list, optional URL(s) to the morphology file(s) employed in this model. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the model instance that has been created. Note ---- * `alias` is not currently implemented in the API; kept for future use. * TODO: Either model_id or alias needs to be provided, with model_id taking precedence over alias. Examples -------- >>> instance_id = model_catalog.add_model_instance(model_id="196b89a3-e672-4b96-8739-748ba3850254", source="", version="1.0", description="basic model variant", parameters="", code_format="py", hash="", morphology="") """ instance_data = locals() instance_data.pop("self") for key, val in instance_data.items(): if val is None: instance_data[key] = "" if model_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("Model ID needs to be provided for finding the model.") #raise Exception("Model ID or alias needs to be provided for finding the model.") elif model_id != "": url = self.url + "/model-instances/?format=json" else: raise Exception("alias is not currently implemented for this feature.") #url = self.url + "/model-instances/?alias=" + alias + "&format=json" headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response =, data=json.dumps([instance_data]), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 201: return response.json()["uuid"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in adding model instance. Response = " + str(response))
[docs] def find_model_instance_else_add(self, model_obj): """Find existing model instance; else create a new instance This checks if the input model object has an associated model instance. If not, a new model instance is created. Parameters ---------- model_obj : object Python object representing a model. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the existing or created model instance. Note ---- * `model_obj` is expected to contain the attribute `model_instance_uuid`, or both the attributes `model_uuid` and `model_version`. Examples -------- >>> instance_id = model_catalog.find_model_instance_else_add(model) """ if not getattr(model_obj, "model_instance_uuid", None): # check that the model is registered with the model registry. if not hasattr(model_obj, "model_uuid"): raise AttributeError("Model object does not have a 'model_uuid' attribute. " "Please register it with the Validation Framework and add the 'model_uuid' to the model object.") if not hasattr(model_obj, "model_version"): raise AttributeError("Model object does not have a 'model_version' attribute") try: model_instance_uuid = self.get_model_instance(model_id=model_obj.model_uuid, version=model_obj.model_version)['id'] except Exception: # probably the instance doesn't exist (todo: distinguish from other reasons for Exception) # so we create a new instance model_instance_uuid = self.add_model_instance(model_id=model_obj.model_uuid, source=getattr(model_obj, "remote_url", ""), version=model_obj.model_version, parameters=getattr(model_obj, "parameters", "")) else: model_instance_uuid = model_obj.model_instance_uuid return model_instance_uuid
[docs] def edit_model_instance(self, instance_id="", model_id="", alias="", source=None, version=None, description=None, parameters=None, code_format=None, hash=None, morphology=None): """Edit an existing model instance. This allows to edit an instance of an existing model in the model catalog. The model instance can be specified in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify `instance_id` corresponding to model instance in model catalog 2. specify `model_id` and `version` 3. specify `alias` (of the model) and `version` Only the parameters being updated need to be specified. You cannot edit the model `version` in the latter two cases. To do so, you must employ the first option above. You can retrieve the `instance_id` via :meth:`get_model_instance` Parameters ---------- instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model instance. model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. source : string Path to model source code repository (e.g. github). version : string User-assigned identifier (unique for each model) associated with model instance. description : string, optional Text describing this specific model instance. parameters : string, optional Any additional parameters to be submitted to model, or used by it, at runtime. code_format : string, optional Indicates the language/platform in which the model was developed. hash : string, optional Similar to a checksum; can be used to identify model instances from their implementation. morphology : string / list, optional URL(s) to the morphology file(s) employed in this model. Returns ------- UUID UUID of the model instance that has been edited. Examples -------- >>> instance_id = model_catalog.edit_model_instance(instance_id="fd1ab546-80f7-4912-9434-3c62af87bc77", source="", version="1.0", description="passive model variant", parameters="", code_format="py", hash="", morphology="") """ if instance_id == "" and (model_id == "" or not version) and (alias == "" or not version): raise Exception("instance_id or (model_id, version) or (alias, version) needs to be provided for finding a model instance.") if instance_id: id = instance_id # as needed by API if alias: model_alias = alias # as needed by API instance_data = locals() for key in ["self", "instance_id", "alias"]: instance_data.pop(key) # assign existing values for parameters not specified if instance_id: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?id=" + instance_id + "&format=json" elif model_id and version: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_id=" + model_id + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_alias=" + alias + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" model_instance_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_instance_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model instance. Response = " + str(model_instance_json)) model_instance_json = model_instance_json.json() if len(model_instance_json["instances"]) == 0: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model instance. Possibly invalid input data.") model_instance_json = model_instance_json["instances"][0] for key in instance_data: if instance_data[key] is None: instance_data[key] = model_instance_json.get(key, None) url = self.url + "/model-instances/?format=json" headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps([instance_data]), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 202: return response.json()["uuid"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in editing model instance. Response = " + str(response.json()))
[docs] def delete_model_instance(self, instance_id="", model_id="", alias="", version=""): """ONLY FOR SUPERUSERS: Delete an existing model instance. This allows to delete an instance of an existing model in the model catalog. The model instance can be specified in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify `instance_id` corresponding to model instance in model catalog 2. specify `model_id` and `version` 3. specify `alias` (of the model) and `version` Parameters ---------- instance_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model instance. model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. version : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model instance. Note ---- * This feature is only for superusers! Examples -------- >>> model_catalog.delete_model_instance(model_id="8c7cb9f6-e380-452c-9e98-e77254b088c5") >>> model_catalog.delete_model_instance(alias="B1", version="1.0") """ if instance_id == "" and (model_id == "" or not version) and (alias == "" or not version): raise Exception("instance_id or (model_id, version) or (alias, version) needs to be provided for finding a model instance.") if instance_id: id = instance_id # as needed by API if alias: model_alias = alias # as needed by API if instance_id: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?id=" + instance_id + "&format=json" elif model_id and version: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_id=" + model_id + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/model-instances/?model_alias=" + alias + "&version=" + version + "&format=json" model_instance_json = requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_instance_json.status_code == 403: raise Exception("Only SuperUser accounts can delete data. Response = " + str(model_instance_json)) elif model_instance_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in deleting model instance. Response = " + str(model_instance_json))
[docs] def get_model_image(self, image_id=""): """Retrieve image info from a model description. This allows to retrieve image (figure) info from the model catalog. The `image_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Parameters ---------- image_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with image (figure). Returns ------- dict Information about the image (figure) retrieved. Examples -------- >>> model_image = model_catalog.get_model_image(image_id="2b45e7d4-a7a1-4a31-a287-aee7072e3e75") """ if not image_id: raise Exception("image_id needs to be provided for finding a specific model image (figure).") else: url = self.url + "/images/?id=" + image_id + "&format=json" model_image_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_image_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model images (figures). Response = " + str(model_image_json)) model_image_json = model_image_json.json() if len(model_image_json["images"]) == 1: return model_image_json["images"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model image. Possibly invalid input data.") return model_image_json["images"][0]
[docs] def list_model_images(self, model_id="", alias=""): """Retrieve all images (figures) associated with a model. This can be retrieved in the following ways (in order of priority): 1. specify `model_id` 2. specify `alias` (of the model) Parameters ---------- model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. Returns ------- list List of dicts containing information about the model images (figures). Examples -------- >>> model_images = model_catalog.list_model_images(model_id="196b89a3-e672-4b96-8739-748ba3850254") """ if model_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("model_id or alias needs to be provided for finding model images.") elif model_id: url = self.url + "/images/?model_id=" + model_id + "&format=json" else: url = self.url + "/images/?model_alias=" + alias + "&format=json" model_images_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_images_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model images (figures). Response = " + str(model_images_json.content)) model_images_json = model_images_json.json() return model_images_json["images"]
[docs] def add_model_image(self, model_id="", alias="", url="", caption=""): """Add a new image (figure) to a model description. This allows to add a new image (figure) to an existing model in the model catalog. The `model_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Parameters ---------- model_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with model description. alias : string User-assigned unique identifier associated with model description. url : string Url of image (figure) to be added. caption : string Caption to be associated with the image (figure). Returns ------- UUID UUID of the image (figure) that was added. Note ---- * `alias` is not currently implemented in the API; kept for future use. * TODO: Either model_id or alias needs to be provided, with model_id taking precedence over alias. * TODO: Allow image (figure) to be located locally Examples -------- >>> image_id = model_catalog.add_model_image(model_id="196b89a3-e672-4b96-8739-748ba3850254", url="", caption="NEURON Logo") """ image_data = locals() image_data.pop("self") image_data.pop("alias") if model_id == "" and alias == "": raise Exception("Model ID needs to be provided for finding the model.") #raise Exception("Model ID or alias needs to be provided for finding the model.") elif model_id != "": url = self.url + "/images/?format=json" else: raise Exception("alias is not currently implemented for this feature.") #url = self.url + "/images/?alias=" + alias + "&format=json" headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response =, data=json.dumps([image_data]), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 201: return response.json()["uuid"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in adding image (figure). Response = " + str(response))
[docs] def edit_model_image(self, image_id="", url=None, caption=None): """Edit an existing image (figure) metadata. This allows to edit the metadata of an image (figure) in the model catalog. The `image_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Only the parameters being updated need to be specified. Parameters ---------- image_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with image (figure). Returns ------- UUID UUID of the image (figure) that was edited. Examples -------- >>> image_id = model_catalog.edit_model_image(image_id="2b45e7d4-a7a1-4a31-a287-aee7072e3e75", caption = "Some Logo", url="") """ if image_id == "": raise Exception("Image ID needs to be provided for finding the image (figure).") id = image_id image_data = locals() for key in ["self", "image_id"]: image_data.pop(key) # assign existing values for parameters not specified url = self.url + "/images/?id=" + image_id + "&format=json" model_image_json = requests.get(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_image_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model images (figures). Response = " + str(model_image_json)) model_image_json = model_image_json.json() if len(model_image_json["images"]) == 0: raise Exception("Error in retrieving model image. Possibly invalid input data.") model_image_json = model_image_json["images"][0] for key in image_data: if image_data[key] is None: image_data[key] = model_image_json[key] url = self.url + "/images/?format=json" headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'} response = requests.put(url, data=json.dumps([image_data]), auth=self.auth, headers=headers, verify=self.verify) if response.status_code == 202: return response.json()["uuid"][0] else: raise Exception("Error in editing image (figure). Response = " + str(response.json()))
[docs] def delete_model_image(self, image_id=""): """ONLY FOR SUPERUSERS: Delete an image from a model description. This allows to delete an image (figure) info from the model catalog. The `image_id` needs to be specified as input parameter. Parameters ---------- image_id : UUID System generated unique identifier associated with image (figure). Note ---- * This feature is only for superusers! Examples -------- >>> model_catalog.delete_model_image(image_id="2b45e7d4-a7a1-4a31-a287-aee7072e3e75") """ if not image_id: raise Exception("image_id needs to be provided for finding a specific model image (figure).") else: url = self.url + "/images/?id=" + image_id + "&format=json" model_image_json = requests.delete(url, auth=self.auth, verify=self.verify) if model_image_json.status_code == 403: raise Exception("Only SuperUser accounts can delete data. Response = " + str(model_image_json)) elif model_image_json.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Error in deleting model image. Response = " + str(model_image_json))
def _have_internet_connection(): """ Not foolproof, but allows checking for an external connection with a short timeout, before trying socket.gethostbyname(), which has a very long timeout. """ test_address = '' # try: urlopen(test_address, timeout=1) return True except (URLError, socket.timeout): pass return False